Books About Stairs, Handrails, Staircase Design & Stair Construction
Stairs: The Best of Fine Homebuilding - Excerpts from Fine Homebuilding Magazine
Basic Stair Building - by Fine Homebuilding, featuring stair builder Scott Schuttner
Basic Stair Building (Companion Video) - by Fine Homebuilding, featuring stair builder Scott Schuttner
Quick Guide: Stairs & Railings - by Rich Ziegner (Editor), Jeff Beneke
Stair Builders Handbook - by T. W. Love
Modern Practical Stairbuilding and Handrailing: For the Use of Workmen, Builders, Architects, and Others - by George Ellis
The Staircase (Two Volume Set - Hardcover) - by John Templer
The Staircase (Volume One - Paperback): History and Theories - by John Templer
The Staircase (Volume Two - Paperback): Studies of Hazards, Falls, and Safer Design - by John Templer
Treatise on Stair Building & Handrailing: Containing Numerous Examples Illustrating the Construction of the Various Classes of Wood Stairs - by William Mowat, Alexander Mowat (Contributor)
Trim Carpentry Techniques: Installing Doors, Windows, Base and Crown - by Craig Savage, Paul Bertorelli
Trim & Molding (Quick Guide) - by Mark Feirer
Finish Carpentry Basics - by Barbara Feller-Roth (Editor)
Finish Carpentry: The Best of Fine Homebuilding - Excerpts from Fine Homebuilding Magazine
Finish Carpenter's Manual - by Jim Tolpin
Graphic Guide to Interior Details: For Builders and Designers - by Rob Thallon
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