Rough Carpentry, Wall, Floor & Roof Framing Books
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 Roof Framing
 Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders and Designers
 Carpentry and Building Construction
 Residential Framing
- Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders and Designers - by Rob Thallon
- Advanced Framing: Techniques, Troubleshooting & Structural Design - 46 selections from The Journal of Light Construction
- Precision Framing - by Mike Guertin, Rick Arnold
- Residential Structure and Framing: Practical Engineering and Advanced Framing Techniques for Builders - from the editors of The Journal of Light Construction (Robert Randall, Steven Bliss, Tim Healy (Illustrator)
- Carpentry and Building Construction - by John Louis Feirer, Gilbert R. Hutchings, Mark D. Feirer
- Roof Framing by Marshall Gross
- Framing Roofs: The Best of Fine Homebuilding (Best of Fine Homebuilding Series) - by Taunton Press
- Framing Floors, Walls, Ceilings: The Best of Fine Homebuilding (Best of Fine Homebuilding Series) - by Taunton Press
- Residential Framing: A Homebuilder's Construction Guide by William Perkins Spence
- Measuring, Marking & Layout: A Builder's Guide - by John Carroll
- Residential Steel Framing; Construction Guide - by E. N. Lorre
- Builder's Guide to Foundations & Floor Framing (Builder's Guide Series) - by Dan Ramsey
- Full Length Roof Framer - by A. F. Riechers
- Rough Framing Carpentry - by Mark Currie
- The Very Efficient Carpenter: Basic Framing for Residential Construction - by Larry Haun
- Carpentry (Homebuilding Basics) - by Larry Haun
- House Framing - by Jack Payne Jones
- House Framing - by John D. Wagner, Timothy O. Bakke
- Timber Framing Book - by Elliott Wallas, Stewart Elliott, Eugenie Wallas
- Timber-Frame Home: Design, Construction, Finishing - by Tedd Benson
- Building the Timber Frame House: The Revival of a Forgotten Craft - by Tedd Benson
- Build a Classic Timber-Framed House: Planning and Design, Traditional Materials, Affordable Methods - by Jack A. Sobon
- A Timber Framer's Workshop: Joinery, Design & Construction of Traditional Timber Frames - by Steve K. Chappell
- Low-Cost Pole Building Construction - by Doug Merrilees, Ralph Wolfe
- Practical Pole Building Construction: With Plans for Barns, Cabins, & Outbuildings - by Leigh Seddon, Susan Williamson
- Monte Burch's Pole Building Projects: Over 25 Low-Cost Plans - by Monte Burch
- Working Alone: Tips & Techniques for Solo Building - by John Carroll
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